What a pleasure to hear of your interest in supporting one or more participants of Transformation Camp 2024 in Florianópolis!
We are excited to share with you a unique opportunity that is fast approaching: a vacation camp dedicated to provide enriching experiences to kids and teenagers. This camp will not only include moments of fun and adventure, but will also be an opportunity to strengthen their faith in God and be inspired to step into their calling as God’s agents of transformation in society. That's why we are asking for your financial support to guarantee that all interested children and teenagers can fully participate in this transformative camp.
All donations that we receive will be used to cover costs of transport, food, accommodation and educational materials for the participants. Each of them needs 1.800,00 (BRL). This is an investment into their future and all of eternity, helping to build a generation firmly rooted in the identity that God gave them. If you want to be part of this inspiring effort and make a real impact in their lives, we invite you to contribute with a generous offer. Any amount, no matter how small, will be deeply appreciated and will make a significant difference in the lives of participants.
For example, Children and teenagers from the Esperança Project in Curitiba, a sports ministry, wish to participate in the Camp, but would need your financial support to do so.
Find out more www.jocumcuritiba.org.br/projeto-esperanca e do ministério com esportes:
If God leads you to make a donation, please use this bank information for your transfer:
Agency: 0001
Account: 1311454-3
Instituion: 403 - Cora SChD
Jovens Com Uma Missão Floripa
CNPJ: 09.026.805/0001-89
Add ,01 (one cent) to the final value, to identify your contribution.
If you need help to transfer money in a different way, please message us at jocumfloripa@gmail.com.
We sincerely thank you for your continued support and generosity. Together, we can create a truly empowering and transformative camp for all children and teens involved.
YWAM Floripa Team
Para doar:
Dados para transferência:
Agência: 0001
Conta: 1311454-3
Instituição: 403 - Cora SChD
Jovens Com Uma Missão Floripa
CNPJ: 09.026.805/0001-89
Pix Cora: adm.jocumfloripa@gmail.com
Acrescente ,01 (um centavo) ao valor final, para identificar sua contribuição.
Agradecemos sinceramente por seu apoio contínuo e generosidade. Juntos, podemos criar um acampamento verdadeiramente inclusivo, capacitador e transformador para todas as crianças e adolescentes envolvidos.
Com gratidão,
Equipe Jocum Floripa