Transformation Camp
The Transformation Camp invites 8 to 14 year olds to deepen their relationship with God, establish a Christian worldview and awaken their potential to transform society.
In creative ways, we help these children and teenagers to recognize their calling and purpose, believing that they will bring God's Kingdom to the world.
For 10 days children and teenagers will be immersed in learning and living in community in a family of several generations serving God together.
Learn more about the new King's Kids discipleship strategy for the 4/14 Generation
"The 4/14 Window is a worldwide movement led and communicated by Dr. Luis Bush, as a call to reach children between the ages of 4 and 14 who need to be grounded in Christ. In the coming years, these children and teenagers will be the ones leading the church, education, government, family, sciences, media, arts and economy. Hence the urgent need to understand, love and reach this group of the population. Children are now the new mission field, but they also have the power to become a missionary force. It is our duty as a church to recognize them and acknowledge their potential."
10 receitas para este outono
80% of the world's conversions happen among this age group.
Os benefícios de beber chá diariamente
People’s moral and spiritual foundations are established during these years.
Uma massa que vai te levar para Roma
During this phase, a person’s worldview is formed.
Saladas criativas e nutritivas
It's the key age for preparing agents of transformation.
Each day of Transformation includes:
Dynamic and creative lessons, each day based on a specific area of society, learning God's vision for family, government, education, arts, communication, church, science, and economy.
Time with God, applying God's truth to the heart in a very special way, each participant being encouraged to give their personal response to Him.
Activities exploring in a practical and fun way, through games, projects, and workshops, each of the areas of society.
Evangelism and social action outings:
We will have outings to reach out, serve our neighbors and pass on what we have learned. This will also be a time for discovering gifts and vocations
Nossos Diferenciais
Proteção máxima
No Acampamento seguimos rigorosamente a Política de Prevenção ao abuso e pedofília. Todas as crianças são divididas em pequenos grupos e cada grupo é assistido 24hs por 2 tutores. Nenhuma criança fica solta no Acampamento. É um compromisso mútuo de toda a equipe, proteger os participantes.
Crescimento Integral do caráter
Todos os participantes são assistidos de forma individual, com um discipulado feito pelos dois tutores e que são assistidos por uma equipe multidisciplinar: pastores, pedagogos, pais, intercessores, conselheiros. Que auxiliam em todas as demandas apresentadas pelos participantes, tanto em questões de relacionamento quanto no crescimento do caráter.
Visão cristã da vida
O participante terá uma grande oportunidade, de aprender em todas as atividades do Acampamento, princípios e valores do Reino de Deus.
Aprenderá sobre o caráter de Deus expressado em cada áreas de influência. Se identificará com uma ou mais áreas e será afirmado na sua identidade e vocação.
Metodologia criativa
Todo o Acampamento foi desenhado para que todas as aulas contenham uma metodologia com base nas diversas linguagens de aprendizado. As aulas contém materiais visuais, dinâmicas e muitos dramas, potencializando assim o aprendizado de todos.
This year our camp will take place in this wonderful ranch!
In the Greater Florianópolis region